March 2017

Tampa Bay Chihuahua Club Meeting Minutes

March 4, 2017


Karen Crane

Barbara Osborne

Amy Cassidy

Ken Stowell

Pat Mattie

Myrle Hale

Sandy St.John

Ron Bush

Rita Bush

Guest Nancy Shonbeck,

Excused Pam Gross, Betty and Lovell Stallard , Carla Stazko and Vern Newton, and Alison Fackleman

The meeting of the Tampa Bay Chihuahua Club was called to order at 2:15pm by Sandy St.John, in the absence of Ken Stowell and Barbara Osborne. The meeting was held at ABS Pizza in Plant City.

The guests were introduced to the general membership.

President’s report: NA

Secretary Report: Sandy St.John handed out copies of the last minutes and a updated

Membership roster. The minutes were read by Sandy St.John  Ron made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Shawna seconded.  Motion approved

Treasurer report:  Alison was not here, but I will have her send the report to me to attach to end of minutes

Committee reports: In the absence of Barbara, Sandy reminded the members about the prepaid dinner (see premium when it comes out) Please contact Carla Stazko if you would like to donate something to the auction.  Keep in mind we are having two shows back to back and two auctions.

Rita brought the supported entry crate pads to the meeting. Sandy took them home to give to Ken when she sees him.

Old Business:  Rita was able to call one place for a possible picnic. We tabled that discussion until next meeting.

State Fair:  Myrle thanked the members who were able help at the fair booth. She reminded us that this is the only thing the club does to represent our breed in our Tampa area.  I said I was very happy to go the fair and had in general a good experience there. I had a dog shying from the judge and he was totally relaxed in the ring the following weekend after attended the fair.

The club banner is missing and the members thought it’d be a good idea to order a new one for the fair.  I think there is also some other decorations missing that Barbara made For the fair??

Sandy Files stated she would like to go to the fair next year.  She did not get down from Michigan in time to do so this year.

Picking up from last month’s conversation about how to make the club better some suggestions were made.

  1. More education at meetings.
  2. Handing out flyers at the fair to invite the public to our next meeting or match.
  3. Shawna suggested having a Chihuahua Extravaganza to raise money.

(having the Chihuahua owners come to one place for a barbeque, having auctions and games there, etc.  She said her club raised $1000 at the last one she held.  They started with a face book page for Chihuahuas in the area)

Sandy said she will start a face book page for Chihuahuas in our area. (suggestions for name of that face book page are welcome)

Rita and Karen mentioned Imperial Polk County Dog Fanciers rent out their Training facilities if we are ever interested.

Hillsborough Dog Club has our ring mats.

New Business:  Pat said that Ken and him would like to have a B match at Pat’s home on April 1, 2017.  Shawna will be the match chairman.  Pat believes Ken already put the  Match application into AKC for that day. The match will start at 1pm and meeting afterwards. Please bring your chairs and drinks.  Pat asked if we could order pizza for that day.  It was mentioned if we get rained out, we could have it on April 2.

Sandy mentioned Karen Crane’s TBCC shirt she was wearing. It came from Café Press,

Which the club used to have an account that was not renewed.  With an active account Every purchase of a TBCC item the club would receive a percentage of.  If the account gets renewed, the club would continue to receive the percentage. Café Press needs to be contacted with our Pay Pal information so it the monies would go into our account.

The second reading of Sandy Files membership application was done and she was unanimously voted into club membership.  Welcome Sandy!

Pat Mattie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rita seconded it.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy St.John

TBCC Secretary

TBCC Treasurer Report Jan Feb 2017