Tampa Bay Chihuahua Club Meeting Minutes
May 30, 2015
Alison Fackelman
Pam Gross Myrle Hale Chuck Hale Judy Jenkins Betty Stallard |
Barbara Osborne
Ken Stowell Sandy St.John Pat Mattie Vern Newton Carla Stazko |
Amy Casady
Ron Bush Rita Bush Patricia Pittore Jennifer Newton |
Guest: Sheri Jaden, Shannon Chido
Stephanie Van Gilder and Shawna McGovern sent a email stating they could not attend the meeting this month..
Held on May 30, 2015 at the home of Chuck and Myrle Hale
President’s Report: The meeting was called to order at 2:22pm by President Ken Stowell. Ken thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and thanked Chuck and Myrle for having us in their home and providing a sandwich platter and drinks.
Ken said that our next show will be dedicated to Millie Robbins and Jesus Dominquez.
Ken also thanked guest Sherie Jaden and Shannon Chido for coming to our meeting today.
Secretary Report: Correction to the minutes from March 7, Jennifer and Alexis Newton were also at the meeting. The minutes were read and accepted with the corrections, Barbara motioned the minutes be accepted with corrections, Amy seconded, motion approved.
Treasurer Report:
Show Comittee Report: Barbara said all is set for the June show. We pulled a very nice entry of. 62 Dogs 75 Entries
Puppy Sweepstakes
6 Long Coats (3-3)
1 Smooth Coat believe it is a dog?
Veteran Sweepstakes
1 Long Coat (1-0)
1 Smooth Coat (0-1)
Regular Classes
40 Long Coats (9-19)4-2 Breakdown not given for Non Regular Classes 6 entries
23 Smooth Coats (9-4) 3-5 Breakdown not given for Non Regular Classes 2 entries
3 Junior Showmanship
Our September show needs a trophy chairman. Alison has all of the trophies ready for June. They were all donated and did not cost the club any money.
Betty volunteered to be Trophy Chairman for the 2016 year.
Sandy will contact Michele Gillis to see if she will be the Auction Chairman for September in Orlando.
Barbara brought up a discussion about the lack of advertising on line and in the catalog. We had two members advertise on line and none in the catalog.
Jen said we voted on dividing prices for online and in the catalog too. She suggested next time charging $20 for on line only.
Myrle said she feels no one buys the catalogs because they don’t care who the sire and dam are. Jen said that most people just look the results up on line instead of purchasing a catalog. Barbara said that our contract with MBF includes 20 catalogs. Ken asked if we could get it for 10 catalogs. Barbara will ask about receiving less catalogs when next show contract is discussed.
Jen suggested charging for member’s show pictures in the Meet the Breed Booth? Jen is researching that field.
Betty suggested a local area handbook that can be sold? Either a hard copy, on line or both.
Old Business: Ken contacted CCA about Rescue. They said they really don’t have a organized rescue, but would be happy to help our club set one up. Rita suggested using Little Dog Rescue in Orlando. Rita volunteered to get more details about using that organization.
Jen asked if we are putting a ad in the CCA Chihuahua Magazine. The club discussed the price. It is $100 for a full page color ad in the magazine. Jen brought a copy of the magazine ad to show us how it looked. Jen made a motion to place our September show ad in the magazine that will be out in Aug.
Rita seconded it. Motion approved.
New Business: Myrle asked Pam to speak about how Jesus made sure he had his
Dog’s care taken care of in a will. He gave copies of his will to all who were in the will. Pam and Myrle both suggested that we make sure our dogs care is planned for ahead of. Alison also suggested that when traveling, you put identification on your crates with instructions of where your dogs go if you are in an accident.
AKC has a online executor option for you to plan for your dogs in case you are incapacitated or pass away. It was also suggested that your pets are micro chipped!
Myrle wanted to talk about our current by-laws. Her and Chuck feel it is insulting for the members to have to be associate member and also have to email the club if you cannot make a meeting. They said that Leah is offended by this by-law.
Ken said that the board unanimously approved the by-laws that were voted on and it was presented to the club for several months before being voted on.
He said it was a AKC template used for the by-laws. The club discussed why using this by-law. One thought is it would get the members more involved in the club functions. Only ten percent of the membership is working in this club and we need more members to step forward and work and learn how to do the club functions. It will also keep members that come only to vote once a year from voting.as they do not know everything that transpired at all the meetings. Every single word said at meetings cannot possibly be put into the minutes.
Myrle made a motion to ask the club members to think about a way to change the by-law over the summer. The discussion is tabled until after our September show.. Rita seconded it. Motion approved.
If a member wants to suggest a change, please copy the article and section and present the highlighted changes to the club in October.
A membership application was read from Shannon Chido. Shannon signed the club code of ethics and electronic permission form and was provided with club by-laws. This was her second meeting and she was voted in unanimously. She will be added to club roster and emailed an updated roster Thank you to Shannon for joining our club! Please add Shannon to your club roster Her address is 132 Burleigh Ave, Holly Hills, Fl, 32117 386-453-5268 email N8ghborgrl@gmail.com
Pat Mattie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chuck seconded. Motion approved. The meeting was adjourned at 3:36pm.
No next meeting date set yet.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy St.John
TBCC Secretary.
A silent auction of some of Jesus’s Chihuahua items took place after the meeting. The money received went to the club. Thank you to Myrle for taking care of this auction. Jesus will be missed by all of us.